A Mini Q & A with Artist Heather Clement Davis

story originally published on astoria rain (dot) com in 2015; exact date unknown

Question: Tell me about growing up in Astoria.

Answer: Growing up in Astoria, I watched my mother (who specifically came here in search of a creative community write for the Times New Eagle), get involved in the beginnings of a unique Astoria institution—KMUN Coast Community Radio -- and network with a larger active, creative community. 

Q: How did this influence you? 

A: I really witnessed the power of community coming together to create something spectacular.

Q: Anything you noticed about the creative community in those days?

A: As a child, I saw a burgeoning community of struggling artists persevering to get their voices out there. I saw opportunities that were lacking for Astoria kids—while opportunities to play sports were ample, as voracious reader, writer and budding artist, I often felt that creative kids were left out in the cold. 

Q: Has becoming a mother changed your perspective?

A: I'm witnessing the arts being taken out of schools at such an alarming rate—the struggle to support the next generation of artists is as poignant as ever.
Heather at work on a creative project

Heather painting as a child

one of Heather's works
